Wayne Enterprises x Uncrate MVP Punching Bag
Commissioned by Wayne Enterprises and Uncrate, bespoke leather sporting goods atelier Modest Vintage Player - MVP for short - has produced their famed heavy punching bag with elevated updates and accents. A carbon effect panel around the bag adds dimension and "shot placement" for sparring sessions, and matching carbon effect panels add strength to the chain supports while elevating the look overall. The heavy bag itself is the 4-foot model, ideal for most body heights, in deep black, full-grain cowhide leather with a leather "shoe-lace" style closure at the top. Held by a bronze coated brass chain and stainless anchor chain, the Wayne Enterprises x MVP Executive Punching Bag is durable enough for use in commercial boxing gyms, while elegant enough to be hung in a high-rise executive office for real-world usage or simply decor. The bag ships unfilled, and we recommend a combination of scrap fabric or clothing layered with 4-5 small sandbags for extra weight to your exact preference. Once filled, the bag should weigh around 70 pounds, although it can support more as desired for heavy usage.
Information on how to properly fill your bag can be found here.
Information on how to properly hang your bag can be found here.
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Tieni presente che l'evasione degli articoli viene effettuata dai singoli marchi che partecipano alla Bruce Wayne Experience. I tempi di consegna possono variare a seconda che il prodotto venga spedito a livello nazionale o internazionale.
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Anche se ci impegniamo a fornire prodotti della massima qualità, comprendiamo che a volte possono sorgere delle eccezioni.
Tutte le vendite sono definitive, a causa della qualità limitata e del processo di ordine speciale, ma se ritieni che la tua situazione giustifichi un reso, non esitare a contattare Caroline Crown. Lavorerà con te per trovare una soluzione adeguata. La tua felicità è la nostra priorità.